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Workplace Justice

Types of sexual harassment and why it’s often not reported

On Behalf of | Jan 20, 2025 | Workplace Harassment

It’s easy for people to watch a news program about sexual harassment and ask questions such as, “Why didn’t they just find another job?” or “Why did it take so long for them to report it?”.

The truth is that there are several reasons why it may take time for a sexually harassed employee to speak up.

Sexual harassment comes in many forms

When we think of sexual harassment, quid pro quo is usually the first thing to come to mind. It happens when someone in a position of power demands sexual favors in return for certain benefits, such as a promotion or a raise.

However, there are other types of sexual harassment, such as the following:

  • Creating a hostile work environment with sexual jokes or innuendos, displaying offensive images in the workplace and making inappropriate remarks about a person’s physical appearance
  • Verbal sexual harassment, which occurs when someone says or writes something that is sexually offensive, inappropriate or degrading
  • Physical harassment, which is unwanted, inappropriate physical contact or advances, including uninvited hugging or kissing, brushing up against someone inappropriately or using physical intimidation to assert dominance

Any type of sexual harassment can have devastating consequences for the victims. Mental health struggles can last years. Even though sexual harassment is illegal under Ohio law, it remains a significant issue in workplaces.

Employees can be afraid to report it for any number of reasons

While reasons may vary, here are some of the common reasons why sexual harassment isn’t reported:

  • Fear of retaliation in the form of demotion or job loss
  • Harassment and bullying from the harasser’s allies
  • Poor performance reviews
  • Worry that they won’t be believed
  • The company has a history of not taking action on previous reports.
  • The victim has been told that’s just the way things are and inappropriate comments are just office banter.

If you’re being sexually harassed at work, it’s crucial to understand that the law is on your side. Having experienced legal guidance can help you protect your rights.