Discrimination and sexual harassment are realities that many workers must contend with on the job — regardless of their profession, gender or position. Fortunately, there are state and federal laws on the books that make such ill-treatment illegal.
Unfortunately, many workers are justifiably reluctant to report illegal workplace behavior because they’re afraid of what may happen when they do. Retaliation for reporting discrimination or sexual harassment may also be illegal — but it still occurs.
What does workplace retaliation look like?
How employers choose to retaliate against their employees may vary. Such tactics may include:
- Starting rumors about an employee’s personal life
- Firing a worker or cutting their hours
- Being permissive of a hostile or toxic workplace
- Reducing an employee’s salary
- Making it challenging for a worker to carry out their job-related tasks
- Micromanaging or closely scrutinizing an employee’s work
Ultimately, retaliation can take many different forms, some more subtle than others. Often, the goal is to drive the “problem” worker who made a report out of the workplace altogether.
You have rights in the face of an employer’s retaliation
It takes a lot of courage to speak up when someone has mistreated you, especially if their actions violate the law. You may worry that you don’t have a valid claim. You may wonder what will happen to your job if you speak up. You’re likely to have countless other concerns such as these.
Please continue to read over the resources on our website to learn more about your rights and legal options. An attorney can serve as a good source of information if any questions arise.