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Workplace Justice

Racial discrimination at work

On Behalf of | Sep 20, 2023 | Workplace Discrimination

Identifying and preventing racial discrimination is crucial to ensuring a healthy workplace. Everyone deserves a workspace free from bias and prejudice, where they are valued for their skills and contributions rather than one in which they may be undervalued due to their race or ethnicity.

The workplace is a reflection of society, and just as societal issues permeate personal lives, they can also show up at work. As employees, being aware of the signs of racial discrimination and taking proactive measures is vital.

Spotting racial discrimination isn’t always a straightforward task

Racial discrimination can be both overt and subtle. Overt discrimination, such as derogatory comments or outright exclusion based on race, is easier to identify. Microaggressions, including casual, offhand remarks or behaviors that might not seem harmful but are rooted in racial bias, can be just as damaging over time. It’s crucial to recognize and address these subtle forms. Another thing that complicates racism in the workplace is that these deplorable actions don’t always come from co-workers. Clients, customers and vendors can all act in a discriminatory manner.

Prevention starts with awareness and education

Organizations should invest in regular training sessions to combat racial discrimination that promote cultural understanding and sensitivity. As employees, it’s essential to participate actively in these sessions, internalizing the information and applying it in daily interactions. Fostering open dialogue, where everyone feels safe discussing race-related issues, can help address misconceptions and biases.

Witnesses play a crucial role, too

If you witness racial discrimination at work, you aren’t just a bystander. You can be an advocate for change. Reporting incidents, even if you’re not the direct victim, can help to build another’s case and to better ensure that such behaviors are not normalized. Supporting colleagues who are facing discrimination and being an ally can make a significant difference in addressing and curbing such issues.

While it’s hoped that issues can be resolved internally, there are instances when taking legal action becomes necessary. If you feel you’re a victim of racial discrimination and your concerns aren’t being addressed within the organization where you’re employed, you may have the right to seek external legal remedies. The law is clear: every individual has the right to a discrimination-free workplace (when discrimination is based on protected characteristics), and violations of federal and state discrimination laws can lead to severe consequences for employers.