Your Legal Allies Against Race Discrimination
Racism holds deep roots in America, and those roots extend into the workplace today. You may feel that, no matter how successful you are at your job, there is an invisible barrier that keeps people who look like you or share your background from succeeding within the company.
When you face racial discrimination in the workplace, your rights are worth protecting. Thorman Petrov Group can support you when your employer treats you unfairly. Our Ohio attorneys have a long case record of getting results for clients who suffered discrimination. We strive to make a real difference for you.
Race, Color And Origin Don’t Justify Unfair Treatment
Some of the common obstacles that black employees, indigenous employees, Hispanic employees and other workers of color face include:
- Unequal pay and benefits
- Less training or worse job assignments
- Gaining promotions slower than white colleagues, if promoted at all
- Being held to different standards, whether the expectations are higher or lower than expectations of co-workers
- Racist remarks or harassment
- A notable lack of racially diverse co-workers and business leaders
Employers have a responsibility to ensure that their policies and practices do not create extra burdens for employees based on their color, race or national origin. Even microaggressions can add up to create a hostile work environment. Intent does not matter to the law; their actions are what counts.
Recover Your Losses Through The Legal System
Sometimes, it becomes necessary to enforce the law through government agencies and the court system. We have represented many clients who faced race and national origin discrimination, including winning verdicts worth millions of dollars in compensation.
Our attorneys know how to highlight insidious forms of discrimination and harassment to hold your employer accountable. We can advocate for you to restore lost wages and other losses due to discriminatory acts. You deserve justice for any damage to your career and well-being.
We Can Help You Overcome Discrimination
Racial discrimination can make workers feel trapped in an unwinnable situation. We can help determine whether your company or anyone there has acted illegally, and we can stand up for your rights. Email us or call 216-777-4163 to speak with a compassionate lawyer from our Cleveland office about your situation.