Your Ally In
Workplace Justice

Action And Accountability For Sexual Harassment At Work

Some people treat the workplace like a dating site or locker room. They don’t respect personal boundaries. They think their come-ons and innuendos are clever. They don’t take no for an answer.

You do not have to put up with unwanted sexual advances at work. If a co-worker or supervisor is pressing you for dates, putting their hands on you or otherwise making you uncomfortable, call in the employment lawyers of Thorman Petrov Group. We have handled sexual harassment lawsuits across Ohio.

That’s Sexual Harassment, And It’s Not OK

Employees endure workplace mistreatment for many reasons. They fear speaking up will cost them their jobs or hurt their careers. They fear they won’t be believed or they will be blamed for inviting the unwelcome attention. They tell themselves it’s “not that bad” or they pray the person will stop.

Any of the following can be actionable as sexual harassment:

  • Quid pro quo harassment: Demanding sexual favors in exchange for job perks or continued employment
  • Unwanted sexual contact: Kissing, groping, hugging, massages
  • Unwelcome advances: Sexual overtures, repeated requests for dates, unsolicited nude photos
  • Suggestive or graphic comments about your body, looks or clothing
  • Sending pornographic images or sexual jokes in texts or emails
  • Stalking or unwanted contact outside of work
  • Other sexualized behavior that creates a hostile work environment

We Help You Stand Up For Your Rights

When you report sexual harassment, the employer has a legal obligation to investigate and address the conduct with the offender. If your company does not do the right thing and the harassment continues or escalates, we will take action to hold the employer liable. You are also protected if your company retaliates against you in any way. You cannot be fired, demoted or reassigned for speaking up about harassment or filing a formal complaint.

At Thorman Petrov Group, we will pursue monetary damages for your mistreatment, which might include front pay, back pay and compensation for emotional distress. We have successfully represented victims of sexual harassment and other forms of sex discrimination.

Tell Us What You’ve Been Through

Our attorneys will listen to you, explain your legal options and support you through every stage of the legal process. We are committed to making the harassment stop and holding employers accountable for providing a work environment where you feel safe and respected.

To schedule a free, confidential consultation, call our Cleveland office today at 216-777-4163 or contact us online.